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Meaning in English

Cycle 2 (People & Life style)

Cycle Content

Week 1

  1. Upstream:
    1. Unit 1: Crossing Barriers
  1. Writing Academic English:
    1. Part 2: Writing an Essay, Chapter 6: Cause/Effect Essay
    1. Part 2: Writing an Essay, Chapter 7: Comparison/Contrast Essays

Week 2

  1. Upstream:
    1. (continue) Unit 1: Crossing Barriers
  1. New Hello:
    1. Literature: King Lear Act 2 (4 scenes)

Week 3

  1. New Hello:
    1. Unit 4: Changing English
    1. Unit 6: Learning from our mistakes
  1. Grammarway 4:
    1. Unit 9: Conditionals
  1. Some online resources

** All online resources can be found in the cycle file.

Cycle Vocabulary

Week 1

Session 1

WordMeaningMeaning in EnglishEqualsNotes
enormous benefitsفوائد هائلة
diversityتنوع / اختلافvariety
mother tongueاللغة الأم
accessوصول - التمكن من دخول
conductسلوك / تصرف - قيادة
apparentواضح / ضاهر
automateشغل أوتوماتيكيًاconvert (a process or facility) to largely automatic operation
challengeتحدي / يتحدى
virtuallyعمليًا / فعليًا
adaptيتكيف / يتأقلم / يتحور
vastواسع / شاسعimmense
paceسرعة - خطوة
expandيتمدد / يتوسع
point outيشير إلى (يلفت الانتباه لـ)
run outينفذ / ينتهي
put throughيوصل تلفونيًا
cut offقطع / فصل
call backيتصل مرة أخرى
hang upأنهى محادثة تلفونية

Session 2

WordMeaningMeaning in EnglishEqualsNotes
spamرسائل إلكترونية مزعجة
panicهلع / خوف
nuisanceإزعاج / مضايقة
pen-palsomeone who you exchange letters with as a hobby, but usually have not met
authorityسلطة / نفوذ
correspondenceمراسلةthe activity of writing letters or e-mails to someone

Week 2

Session 1

WordMeaningMeaning in EnglishEqualsNotes
multiculturalمتعدد الثقافات
intensifyيكثف / يشدد / يقوي
silent languageلغة صامتة (مثل لغة الجسد)
outrageousفظيع / عنيف - مخزٍ
rudenessوقاحة / غلظةlack of manners
disbeliefالكفر / الجحود
disciplinaryتأديبيconcerning or enforcing discipline
informativeغنيًا بالمعلومات / إخباري
vitalمهم للغاية - حيوي
obligeيجبر / يلزم
unwaryغافل / متهور

Week 3

Session 1

WordMeaningMeaning in EnglishEqualsNotes
dialectلهجة / لغة محليةa particular form of a language which is peculiar to a specific region or social groupdialect vs accent: An accent is simply how one pronounces words—a style of pronunciation. A dialect includes not just pronunciations, but also one's general vocabulary and grammar.
reconcileتصالح / نوفيقrestore friendly relations between
troopفوج / مجموعة / كتيبة
new-fangledحديث / جديدof the newest style or kind
humorousمضحك / فكاهي
applicableقابل للتطبيقrelevant or appropriate
celebrityالشهرة / شخص مشهور
goings-onالأحداث الجاريةactions or events that are occurring : things that are happening
proliferateينتشر / يتكاثرincrease rapidly in numbers
executeينفذ - يعدم
hyphenatewrite with a hyphen (-)
conundrumمعضلة / لغز
prescriptivisman approach that attempts to prescribe (some might say recommend or even dictate) how words ought to be used
descriptivisman approach that reflects how words are actually used by writers and speakers of the English language
pepper our proseنجمل (نذوق) كلامناprose: نثر (كلام عادي غير ممتع)

Session 2

WordMeaningMeaning in EnglishEqualsNotes
begتضرع / سأل
meanيقصد - خبيث
pileكومة / يكوّم
sighتنهد / تلهفemit a long, deep, audible breath expressing sadness, relief, tiredness, or a similar feeling
protagonistبطل الرواية
greedyجشع / طمّاع
charityالأعمال الخيرية
ominousمشؤوم / نحس
Christmas spiritChristmas spirit is how someone acts who loves Christmas and shows it by being kind to others. Also, it is the spirit of wanting to give and help people in need.
self-disciplineالإنضباط الذاتي
acknowledgeيعترف / يقر - يعبر عن شكره لـ
accountableمسؤول - ممكن تفسيره
psychotherapistمعالج نفسيa person who treats mental disorders by psychological rather than medical means
precursorرائد / بشير
undertakeيتعهد / يتولى
synaptic connectionsوصلات متشابكة
mistake-rich environmentبيئة غنية بالأخطاء
preferableأفضل / مفضل
connotationدلالة (معنى أو مفهوم)an idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal or primary meaning
indicatorمؤشر / دليل
arguablyيمكن القولit may be argued (used to qualify the statement of an opinion or belief)
stagnateركود(of water or air) cease to flow or move; become stagnant

From Grammarway 4

Unit 9